We now have a firm (please please please) closing date, which is Thursday the 12th and the new moving date. Shout out to our landlord Tara for giving us first dibs on the apartment before she lets new renters know when it's available!
So, in the interim, I will try not to lose my mind, and concentrate on what I can, like throwing a super fun yet low-key Bachelorette Party! There is a 0% chance the bride will read this before the partay, so I thought I'd post some of my ideas and inspirations, especially since it will help me get organized (sorely needed).
This particular btb is a girl after my own heart, she wants fun with her girlfriends, minimal public humiliation, and no skeeze (ok maybe just a couple inappropriate straws... you only bachelorette once!)
We are starting off the evening drinking and eating at my place, a buffet cocktail situation. Lord knows I love a good hosting duty, so I want to throw my last (cramped but convenient) city party to the very best of my abilities!
I am dying to share some of the stuff I designed in photoshop, but it's a little specific (just in case she stumbles across here - though super doubtful) so I'll save that for later!
My first favorite thing I'm working on are these:
From this Etsy seller - I'm sure mine won't be as cute as hers, but I was inspired to DIY some green, purple, and white (and rhinestone, ha!) ones of my own as a little party favor.
I'm also gonna get baking, and these are the perfect toppers:
Although, can I really go wrong with these???:
Bahahahaha - thanks Bachelorette Party Superstore for providing me with some extremely NSFW entertainment, while also taking years off my prude life with some of your wares.
While striving keeping it classy(ish) and cute, I also picked up some of these bad boys (girls?) at Michaels:
Dearest Martha, I am sorry for including your exquisite products on the same page as a plastic mostly nekkid man. Your truest fan, Katie
So while I can't share more now, I'll continue to dream up ways to combine (marry, if you will) the classy and and the trashy, keeping it light and fun and just a wee bit scandy.
Genuis idea just came to me... Pretty linen napkins tied up with a ribbon containing a flower...and a ding-a-ling straw. Watch out ladies I might have found my calling!
She's so lucky :)