Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Closing Time

Awful song, awesome day!

On Thursday we FINALLY closed on the house! It was an insanely busy few days, but I'm excited to finally share some of the details of our new place! Next post will really break it down...

We made our way over for a walk through as we were waiting for the bank to get us the exactly enormous check number for closing. I embarassingly made our realtor take a picture :) - but he was all about it and even wanted to use his sign haha
 From here you can see the neighborhood...and our awesome realtor Oliver:
 Just a different view!:
 Mike looking vommy before we start signing papers:
 We didn't finish signing until 3pm, we were STARVING and hit Charcoal Pit (!) for a picnic lunch:
 Full disclosure: it was a picnic because we couldn't figure out the lock on our new front door hahaha:
 Obvs I was in charge of the champagne:
 Cath and my Aunt Sheila and Uncle Ken came over to celebrate, and we immediately attacked offensive wallpaper:
Surveying the land... And holy crap we need someone to mow that lawn:
Cath playing Vanna (appropriate end):

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