Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So, evidently this is super normal, but our closing date got changed from this Friday to next Thursday. 

This a) means one less weekend to paint, etc., before furniture is there and b) really cramps my celebrating Mexicanity and their libertad (or is it independencia? google translator did not have a definitive answer). Also, it will be awkward to toast the new place with tequila since Mike hates it...

I just got a very disturbuing visual of Mike and me sitting at opposite ends of the house him drinking scotch and me tequila just being like "yay" to ourselves and then my family shows up with celebratory champagne and judgement. (Champagne and Judgement - awesome band name?! For a WEDDING BAND?! Ohh the possibilities...)  

We decided we are still going to nab lots of paint swatches (yay for like the only free thing associated with this ordeal) and maybe even test drive a couple vehicles this weekend.

That is, if I can pull myself away from the approximately 10 (shh) hours of royal wedding programming my little dvr has lined up. Thank you BBC America, for being the bright spot in this now crappy week.


  1. did you close today? also, yay royal wedding! wasn't it fun? that's exactly what my wedding is gonna be like. exactly. same dress...same venue...same guests....same groom......

  2. Court - I think you and Harry would make a lovely pair... fingers crossed for my invite!
